about mona
Mona DiPersio is a local artist, painter and craftswoman. Her decades of studying, exploring and photographing the scenic landscape of the South Shore, the coasts of New England and Cape Cod have given her an endless steam of subjects to paint—more recently, her love of freshwater fish.
Using her techniques in oil painting directly onto antique barn wood, barn-boards and wooden planks, Mona has created a masterwork portfolio of her famous fish boards.
Mona's Fish Boards
Mona uses old, antique planks of wood as her canvases to skillfully create each and every one of her freshwater fish. Her weathered and stressed oil-painting technique is completely original, unique and very popular with homeowners in and around the New England area.
Custom Requests
Mona works with a variety of colors, shapes and sizes to design each one of her fish boards—the list is endless. For special requests or for custom art, contact Mona today.